Посмотр Медицинские и сопутствующие науки по названию

Посмотр Медицинские и сопутствующие науки по названию

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  • Zhumalina, Ak.; Tusupkaliev, B.T.; Kim, I.S.; Zharlykasinova, M.B. (2021-07)
    In the context of intensive development of gas industry, environmental safety issues are becoming increasingly important. The high rates of gas production and the growth of its chemical processing have turned gas industry ...
  • Шерьязданова, Д.Н.; Ларюшина, Е.М.; Парахина, В.Ф.; Шалыгина, А.А.; Бугибаева, А.Б. (2020-07)
    Кіріспе: қант диабетінің (ҚД) даму қауіпі бар науқастарда көмірсу алмасуының патогенетикалық даму механизмдерін зерттеу қазіргі кезеңде ғылыми зерттеулер үшін перспективті тақырып болып табылады. Гиперинсулинемияның ...
  • Sandle, T.; Chesca, A.; Abdulina, G. (2021-01)
    The purpose of this review is to provide a fundamental understanding of cellular technologies for students, doctors, masters. Cell culture is an important technique in both cellular and molecular biology given that it ...
  • Bakirovа, А.Zh. (2019-03-11)
    At certain age periods for the assessment of the biological age and morphofunctional state of the child's body, knowledge of the timing of the eruption of certain groups of teeth can be invaluable. Of great importance is ...
  • Bakirovа, A.Zh. (2020-11-13)
    At certain age periods for the assessment of the biological age and morphofunctional state of the child's body, knowledge of the timing of the eruption of certain groups of teeth can be invaluable. Of great importance is ...
  • Keller-Deditskaya, Ye.R.; Yushko, N.F. (2019-03-07)
    The article analyzes the effectiveness of applying innovative methods in the formation of professional foreign-language competence by students of medical universities. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of such ...
  • Keller-Deditskaya, Ye. R.; Yushko, N. F. (2018-04)
    The article analyzes the effectiveness of applying innovative methods in the formation of professional foreignlanguage competence by students of medical universities. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of such ...
  • Веgауdагovа, R.Кһ.; Starikov, Yu.G.; Alshynbekova, G.К.; Dautova, B.M.; Abdrakhmanova, D.G. (2019-02-15)
    100 children from 2 to 10 years of age including with bronchopulmonary pathology of viral-bacterial etiology were examined for the purpose of studying the clinical efficacy and safety of the use of Inspiron. The main group ...
  • Begaydarova, R. Kh.; Starikov, Yu. G.; Alshynbekova, G. К.; Dautova, B. M.; Abdrakhmanova, D. G. (2018-01)
    100 children from 2 to 10 years of age including with bronchopulmonary pathology of viral-bacterial etiology were examined for the purpose of studying the clinical efficacy and safety of the use of Inspiron. The main group ...
  • Meyramov, G.G.; Laryushina, Ye.M.; Alina, A.R.; Abdraimova-Meyramova, A.G. (2019-02-18)
    It is known that zinc, contained in β-cells of the pancreas, takes an important part in the formation of its deposited storage form in the cell, due to which not all of the cell-synthesized hormone, but only a certain ...
  • MeyramovI, G. G.; Laryushina, Ye. M.; Alina, A. R.; Abdraimova-Meyramova, A. G. (2018-01)
    It is known that zinc, contained in β-cells of the pancreas, takes an important part in the formation of its deposited storage form in the cell, due to which not all of the cell-synthesized hormone, but only a certain ...
  • Sandle, T. (2021-07)
    This study aims to assess the investigations carried out to monitor respiratory function in lung pathologies. From this point of view, COPD is the focus exploration of the respiratory function. In addition to the theoretical ...
  • Chesca, A.; Sandle, T.; Akhayeva, A.S.; Marchenko, A.B. (2019-02-18)
    The aim of the present study is to highlight the seasonal cases diagnosed with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, present in the specialized medical service with acute symptomatology. In order to establish a more ...
  • Chesca, A.; Sandle, T.; Akhayeva, A. S.; Marchenko, A. B. (2018-01)
    The aim of the present study is to highlight the seasonal cases diagnosed with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, present in the specialized medical service with acute symptomatology. In order to establish a more ...
  • Cheşcă, A.; Cheşcă, S.A.; Sandle, T. (2021-10)
    The present study refers to the exploration of the respiratory function of patients who presented acute symptoms of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. In the medical specialty units, examination was performed using a ...
  • Cheşcă, A.; Ciomeica, A.; Sandle, T. (2021-10)
    Appendix pathology brings together different forms and is found in different age segments. Most susceptible to disease are children. In this context, the children and young people Appendix pathology may be complicated or ...
  • Чайжунусова, Н.Ж.; Шабдарбаева, Д.М.; Узбеков, Д.Е.; Амантаева, Г.К.; Aпбасова, М.М.; Kaйр-ханова, Ы.О.; Жакипова, А.А.; Апбасова, С.А.; Узбекова, С.Е.; Русланова, Б.; Абишев, Ж.Ж.; Бауржан, А. (2020-01)
    56Mn, нeгiзiнeн Жапон қаларындағы aтoм бoмбaлayынaн кeйiн aлғaшқы бipнeшe caғaт iшiндeгi β-cәyлeлeyмeн тyдыpылғaн нeйтpoндapдың дoминaнтты pӛлiн қҧpaғaны тypaлы дәлeлдeмeлepдi бipқaтap ғaлымдapдың eңбeктepiндe бaйқayғa ...
  • Chesca, A.; Sandle, T.; Abdulina, G. (2021-01)
    The aim of the study is to use digital images of nevi as a diagnostic and prognostic tool for studying skin pathology. Studies on pigmented nevi (moles) attract medical attention by the fact that they signal to the ...
  • Begaydarova, R.Kh.; Izteleuova, A.M.; Omarova, G.M.; Talipbekova, Kh.D.; Atakishiyeva, V.R. (Журнал "Медицина и экология", 2018-05-11)
    Among the diversity of the etiological factors of antibiotic-associated diarrhea, the greatest importance is at-tached to C. difficile, a gram-positive aerobic spore-forming bacterium that is resistant to most antibiotics. ...
  • Koishygarina, G.B.; Talaspekova, Y.P.; Zhalmakhanov, M.S.; Farooq, Umer (Журнал "Медицина и экология", 2018-05-25)
    The article discusses the expediency of application of simulation technologies with use of innovative methods of research-oriented learning RBL. The author focuses on the fact that the use of simulation technologies allow ...

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